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Art Authority iOS 7 enhancements make it a Best New App selection

Art Authority for iPad 4.9 is now available through the App Store, with enhancements for iOS 7. These subtle but significant improvements have earned it selection as a Best New App on the App Store this week.

Most of the changes are in look-and-feel, such as addition of iOS 7’s transparent status bar at the top of windows, making each room a bit more spacious. A number of the user interface elements, such as the popovers, also have a more iOS 7 style to them. In particular the main and other directories.

The most noticeable and functional enhancement to Art Authority for iPad is AirDrop support under iOS 7. AirDrop lets you easily share images from Art Authority with your closest friends, where in this case “close” refers to the distance to their iOS 7 device, and “friends” can mean anyone who’s nearby, or anyone nearby and in your contacts list. One nice thing is that your friends don’t even have to be running Art Authority; the image ends up going to their Photos app. And you can share with multiple friends at the same time.

To share images through Art Authority for iPad 4.9 (on any iOS), view the image full-screen and then tap the new Sharing button (which has replaced the gear button at the bottom left). The standard iOS “sharing” popover comes up (on iOS 6 or later), and includes previous ways of sharing the image: through the Photos app, Twitter and Facebook. But new ways are there as well, including AirDrop if your iPad is AirDrop-capable. Even if your device doesn’t support AirDrop, you still get new ways of sharing, such as Mail, Copy and even Print.

AirDrop is part of what has been a continuing evolution of sharing support in iOS, and in Art Authority. iOS 5 added sharing through Twitter, iOS 6 sharing through Facebook, and iOS 7 now generalizes sharing to include other social networks and AirDrop. And of course there’s our community site, As the world gets more connected, so does Art Authority!

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